Washington Area Folk Harp Society

Honoraria for Charity Performances

Beginning in 2017, the Washington Area Folk Harp Society started a program offering an annual honorarium related to charitable performances by its members. The goals of this program are to encourage charitable harp performances and assist members with expenses associated with non-paid charitable work. These performances will also help the WAFHS group to further its mission to educate the public about the harp.

Members can receive an honorarium of $25 per performance with a maximum of four performances per WAFHS calendar year (November 1 - October 31). Applications must be completed and received on or before October 15 of the current year. Charitable harp performances may include hospitals, schools, churches, senior centers, nursing homes, libraries, etc. If you play in a small group, a maximum of four members can qualify for the honorariums. The form can be obtained below or from the WAFHS2 Yahoo group page. We hope that we can thank and honor many of our members through this program and continue to promote the harp and its music to many more people.

Application for WAFHS Charitable Honorarium